You can receive information fast and share in a big group in Telegram. Nowadays like condo, they also create a telegram to share information. Telegram is reach out to you (by nudge you once someone send message) while Facebook is they post and you have to go Facebook to get the information.
Here is some useful telegram group you should join:
Majority of us take public transport. Train or Bus or cab?
Update of all SMRT train and bus break down and closure.
Update of all taxi, grab, gojek news, promotion and discount code.
To get the timings for Go-Ahead, NTU, NUS, SBS Transit, SMRT and Tower Transit buses just by sending your location to them.
Singaporean are always up-to-date with Gadget.
Get update with Digital and promo.
Great Deals happening
To be the first one to know the sales and to be updated with current promotion. Below is some of the group that you can get first info. It cover all sort of deals from food to travel.
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